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Joseph Stenz - dancing with fire
Joseph Stenz - dancing with fire
Joseph Stenz - dancing with fire

Projects - where Joseph Stenz also performed magic...


Rocking the Show World – The ultimate stage event!

This unique blending of music and show presents a powerful and emotionally charged performance on the stage! Joseph Stenz’s fire show and the music of the Mozart Heroes complete each other ideally and create together of new dimension of showmanship.

► Music Video 

A wonderful Show in the style of the Nouveau Cirque!

This top grade fire show blends classic fire dance with modern dance elements and pantomime dramaturgy. It is suitable for events which will offer your guests a varied, wide-ranging highlight of the superlative!

Thomas in the realm of fire!

A fire show with Thomas Reich. Direction and Coaching of the staging, as well as the set design, of Joseph Stenz’s performance in cooperation with Thomas Reich.

Stille Kracht – The Christmas variety show in the Casinotheater Winterthur!

Every year it is “Stille Kracht” time at the Casinotheater Winterthur! In November 2015, among others, with Jospeh Stenz’s fire show…


GymRock – the biggest gymnastics show of Switzerland!

2014 Joseph performed a brand hot show to the live music of Marc Storace (Krokus) at the Hallenstadion, Zürich. The pyrotechnic during the finale was also a product of Joseph Stenz and his team!


The spectular fire show at the Oskarmaus Fesitval:

The circle of Life

With more than 20 international fire artists

Direction and staging by Joseph Stenz

Since most of my performances are at private events, public performances are more seldom.

Here my show is open to the public:

see below...

Where Joseph Stenz has already performed his show:

Finalist bei "Die grössten Schweizer Talente" SF1 - 4xJA bei "Das Supertalent" auf RTL

Donnschtig Jass SF1 - Starnacht Interlaken SF1 - TSI 1 - Eröffnungsfeier Streethockey WM, Bossard Arena Zug - GymRock, Hallenstadion Zürich - Skydance, Hallenstadion Zürich - Sonic 17, St. Jakobshalle Basel - Zürifäscht - Aargauer Kantonalturnfest Brugg/Windisch - Swisscom - Implenia - Stadler Rail - Novartis - m-electronics - Nestlé - AO Foundation - Bosch - SBB Energie - Coca-Cola Beverages - Credit Suisse - Model PrimePac - ABB Schweiz - Calida - Infrassure - Anthropedia Foundation - Gauklerfestival Lenzburg - Museumsnacht, St. Moritz - Burnout, Mollis - Eiger&Ice Grindelwald - Nokia Swiss Wakeboard Tour - Miller Studio Zürich - Elite Model Look aftershow party, Herterei Zürich - Kino Pathé Dietlikon - Swisscom Mobile Ticino - Oskarmaus Festival - Viva la strada, Lenzerheide - Staablueme, Altstätten - Guardissimo, Guarda - Open Air Rheinwald - City Kirche Zug - Humanità Art Festival - Kulturtag St. Gallen - Pro Juventute Camp - Theater am Neumarkt - Kirche am Stauffacher - Kulturschuppen Klosters - Bali Play - Feuerkunst Berlin 2008 - International fire dance festival 2005 - Und viele andere Shows zu unzähligen Geburtstagen, Hochzeiten, Festivals, Vereinsfeiern, Firmenanlässen, und anderen magischen Veranstaltungen...


Unbelievable! You are the man, who dances with fire!
Dj Bobo

You fascinate me as a person!
Roman Kirchsberger

That show was awesome!
Christa Rigozzi


